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Wildside Community Trapping


Pest Free Banks Peninsula have been building a substantial volunteer base, mainly servicing traps reducing mustelid numbers across both Kaitōrete and the Wildside.
In the last quarter of 2023, over 300 hours were recorded and PFBP wishes to thank all those volunteering their valuable time and effort supporting our collective vision of a Pest Free Banks Peninsula.

Extended Wildside Mustelid and Feral Cat Programme (MUSCAT) Trapping Groups 

Pest Free Banks Peninsula are keen to support landowners and community trappers (within the wildside area) do the good work in their back yards.
If there is interest for a group to do a trapline, we can supply mustelid box traps (DOC 200’s & BT200’s) and put them in the area (where it is convenient for you to check them).
We will secure them in place, so they don’t move around when you are checking them.
We can supply bait (mostly dried rabbit as a lure and deep-fried dog roll) for the traps, set them up on Trap.NZ and teach you how to use Trap.NZ to record your catches. This way we can see what is being caught, how often they are checked etc.

Our Current Community Trapping Lines…

PFBP Le Bons Bay Community Trapping Network
116 traps

PFBP Le Bons Bay Community Trapping Network. Catches as at 23.1.2024.

PFBP Okains Bay Community Trapping Network
62 traps

PFBP Okains Bay Community Trapping Network. Catches as at 23.1.2024.

PFBP Robinsons Bay Community Trapping Network
54 traps

PFBP Robinsons Bay Community Trapping Network. Catches as at 23.1.2024.

PFBP Barrys Bay Community Trapping Network
12 traps

PFBP Barrys Bay Community Trapping Network. Catches as at 23.1.2024.

PFBP Curry-Purple Peak Community Trapping Network
62 traps

PFBP Curry-Purple Peak Community Trapping Network. Catches as at 23.1.2024.

Hammond Point Trapping Network
10 traps

This trapping network supports the Akaroa Area School in their trapping efforts on Hammond Point.
Catches as at 23.1.2024.

What can you do?

If you are keen to get involved in community trapping and help out with Mustelid work, contact our community trapping lead: Hannah Kiely. [email protected]

Trapping Resources

Trapping Guides & Resources to help you on the way.

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