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Te Kākahu Kahukura

Te Kākahu Kahukura…

Te Kākahu Kahukura is part of the overarching 2050 Ecological Vision for Banks Peninsula/Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū.
While all 8 Goals of the Vision are relevant and interrelated, Te Kākahu Kahukura particularly supports Goal 4 which is to protect four core areas of indigenous forest of more than 1000 ha each.

This is a voluntary landowner and community driven initiative.  It includes a range of private landowners, agencies, councils and organisations. It aims to facilitate and co-ordinate native forest revegetation and restoration on the Southern Port Hills. Around the core area of regenerating forest, landowners are encouraged to plant native plants and do pest and weed control in a way which supports a thriving indigenous forest plant community and allows native birds and other native fauna to move through the landscape.